Saturday, September 8, 2007

-Insert title here-

Since the demand of new posts on my oh so popular and regularly read blog are so overwhelming, i've decided to calm the cheering crowd with this lame post.


I've been avoiding writing here cause i really dont have anything to say..and i feel totally wipped out..not that i'm busy, i'm just lazy i guess. (boredom is tiring.)

Summer went so quickly...i can already feel the depressing feeling of isolation closing in on me..i hate this feeling... dad has put me to work on restoring an old law dictionary...

the pages look quite crappy as you can see...
there are more than 1200 will take two weeks of robot work at least to finish the project. and i am devoting myself to it, i want it over with as soon as possible. XD

anyway..that about sums things up...summer is going orange, i'm getting depressed, and in the next few weeks of my life i'll have no time for anything...


Anonymous said...

*gives wren anti depression pills*

on second thought...

*gives wren big hugs*

Is that picture the cleaned version? It looks fine. You're doing a great job. If its the original, then screw the editing, it looks perfectly fine.

And don't get depressed. I'll be there online, to act like a goober and make you snort.

Wren said...

no, thats the looks like crap, all yellow and blotchy..
what i'm doing to it is far from perfection, but loads better than this.

you'll act like a goober and make me snort?..thanks Vin, thats all i need ^^
