Tuesday, April 10, 2007


ok, so like earlier i was reading some verses in the Bible, and came upon the word "colour"..O'boy..i know this is utterly silly of me cause the bible was translated...but thats enough proof for me, and will be spelling it that way from here on...along with favourite and a few others i suppose....

if you've not noticed, this has to do with a previous post.

and BTW, i've stuck right with my whole not capitalizing my "i's" ...so beh! i can do this. XD

oh gosh, i'm such a nut. >_<

this is what boredom does to ya, people!

...i need a life...


Anonymous said...

Yes, please add you the 'U' and the 'S' when you type. Proper spellings always make the text fun to read!!! =D

And I am totally shocked, wren. No Blog post about Emmie? Why?

Wren said...

and i thought i was a nut...
...did you say something?...

oh you....i was seriously going to take a bunch of pics of my beloved Emerald today and post them cause she's sprouting new branches...but the dumb camera memory card is full, needs to be emptied...needless to say, i didnt get to it as planned.

BUT, i will soon! =D